Global Mobility

Which are the healthiest trends in the organizations?

For a long time, we have seen how, step by step, organizations are more concerned about employees wellbeing.

It is proven that a healthy employee is three times more productive and that loss of talent is multiplied four times when companies do not care about the health of their employees.

But what do we mean when we talk about «healthy companies«?

Do we have to offer healthy menu, a gym, hire a ensurance?

Obviously, these are good measures but with them we are not becoming a healthy enterprise. Nowadays, it is not enough to assure, prevent or feed, it is needed to plan actions, communicate and other services.

Healthy trend in an international growing market

Long distance medicine, personal healthcare, healthy challenges, fast dates, medical assurance, coexistence of assurance and services…

Employees and their families should have access to these services from multiple challenges and, in this aspect, digital makes things easier. Offering our staff several options for them to take care of their health is our obligation, because the company should provide these tools, make life easier, but it cannot become their father.

It is fundamental that companies give a time to know each other, to learn what their employees are going through. This is the only way a personal solution for their needs, because every person is unique and this is very important.

In this sense, one of the most valued social advantages for employees are medical assurance, overall if we are talking about expatriates.

What medical coverage do we offer to expatriates?

In an economical environment, influenced by globalization and a growing geographical mobilization, more and more big and small Spanish companies take advantage of the opportunities that the international market offer.

One of the keys of the companies success that enter in internationalization are the people who live abroad.

At the time to choose medical assistance, it is important to take into account the destiny to offer the best coverage and contain expenses.

To avoid innecessary costs companies as Globality Health offer innovative solutions. Their private international health assurance cover medical expenses that are produced during a long experience abroad.

Furthermore, on the contrary of health assurance in a ordinary journey this is a complete assurance that covers also all the programmed treatments, besides the covarage of medical health urgencies and costs coming from accidents that can take place during the expatriation.

Employees are the most valued active in every organization so if we do not care about them, we are destinated to lose.

DKV, Globality Health, Stimulus y Suez España, patrocinadores del Encuentro Foro RRHH en Barcelona
Sigue en directo el IV Encuentro Anual Foro RRHH Andalucía desde la Universidad Loyola

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