Global Mobility

How a new HR digital portal should be?

Intranet was one of the first tools of internal communication with employees inside the companies.

It consisted on a mere archive of documents and files which could be consulted with just a simple internet connection.

Along with digital evolution, a new portal for employees started to appear inside the Intranet.

The employee portal is the gate of entrance for workers to have a comfortable and fast access to the information.

There, employees could find whatever was necessary for them in their daily work.

These portals have developed, helping actively to integration and motivation of workers in their organizations.

That is how HR digital portal 2.0 was born.

Features of the HR digital portal

The HR digital portal 2.0 must continue with a comfortable and intuitive design that makes easy the accession to the information.

However, if something makes different an employee portal is customization.

More every day, employee’s portal try to integrate divisions of joy, free time, wellness…

On the same way, employees could find divisions destined to family, volunteering and corporate social responsibility.

Another important aspect of the so called HR digital portal 2.0 is the increased common culture that creates. There is a sense of community within the organization.

The employee portal should involve every worker of the company, also the ones who work abroad.

Therefore, it has to take in account worldwide coverage and offer a customized assistance 24 hours a day.

It has to be agile and intelligent, attend every employee fast to provide them with the essential information.

In the case of expatriates, is important to count with a good international health service as well.

Health, a fundamental piece in the HR digital portal 2.0

Health care

When we talk about health, employees deserve the best so they must be provided with a complete and trusted service.

A good example for this is the Globality Healthportal, an international health insurance company focused on expatriates.

Through Globality CoGenio, this organization offers a first level health assistance with excellent attention.

Workers go through the HR portal, where they have access to health information in every moment.

Besides, employees count with collaborators at the place, who directly speak to doctors and hospitals.

They assume the control and monitoring of the employee’s treatment, even when there is an unexpected circumstance.

The goal is nothing less than to provide the employee a customized attention worldwide and a professional and complete counsel in every possible situation.

Health is a very important issue in every person’s life and that is why health must be a fundamental aspect in HR digital portal 2.0

Finally, healthcare is not a fashion, it is a need. That is the reason to promote a healthy culture, which should be a priority in every company.

El nuevo registro horario, protagonista de Foro Recursos Humanos
¿Cómo debe ser el portal digital de RRHH 2.0?

Con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector, Foro Recursos Humanos es líder en la creación de un ecosistema de comunicación integral en el ámbito de la gestión de personas.

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